New Student Log In Instructions

We are so excited to welcome you to MICA! We aim to provide the best possible residential community for your success!

If you are new, you can create a profile by using your current email address - you may also use your MICA email address if you have that already. Eventually, we will merge your profile with your MICA Credentials so that you can log in quickly with a single sign-on.

In the meantime, click "Register with Email" in the blue bar above!

Current Student Log In Instructions

If you are a current student, please log in by clicking the "Log In With MICA Credentials" on the blue menu bar and log in using your MICA username and password. Duo will be required to log in. For more information about Duo set up, please see here.


Pictured above, The Gateway.

Office of Residence Life Webpage

See our website for housing costs, policies, and more.

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